Automotive Retail Experienced Leadership
We are an experienced group of leaders in the automotive software space with numerous variable ops and service applications spanning several hundred successful deployments under our belts. We get you across that finish line.
Dealer EducationFX (DEFX) is made up of automotive professionals committed to dealership cost effective compliance success. Our deep well of automotive systems knowledge and 25 years experience makes us uniquely qualified to solve all aspects of dealership compliance.
We are industry leaders and start-up founders who have led corporate teams, managed application development and been the creative engine to support compliance management objectives for dealerships, ensuring legal and regulatory compliance, as well as implementing cost-effective compliance strategies.
Our clients range from small single-point stores to billion-dollar dealerships with dozens of locations. They all want guidance to implement a cost-effective compliance management strategy. DEFX helps to refine their compliance and cyber threat environment to establish or reinforce a successful regulatory fulfillment solution.
Our Expertise
Compliance Strategy
DEFX’s Compliance Strategy focuses efforts to achieve target priorities and how reduce your risk profile. DEFX will define a course of action that will take you to where you want to be. Our experience, technology and methods will enable your dealership to achieve your revenue and compliance goals while establishing a system that solves cybersecurity problems over time. The goal of DEFX is to instill a culture of compliance in an ever-changing operation.
Regulatory Priority Selection
Location + Scalability Compliance Management
Staff Training + Messaging
DEFX & Dealer Cybersecurity Compliance Process Alignment
DBSG compliance process alignment will synchronize your dealership’s sales process objectives and performance measures with regulatory requirements and your dealership’s objectives and sales and marketing strategies to avoid conflicting, uncoordinated, non-compliant activities that create higher costs and a larger risk profile and the concomitant legal liabilities.
Compliance System Design and Deployment
Regulatory Priority Selection & Compliance Assessments
Cost Effective & Scalable Cybersecurity Compliance Management
Staff Training & Internal Messaging
Ensuring Compliance Across Third Party Systems
Cost-Effective Dealership Compliance Processes
Staff Compliance & Related Training
Internal Messaging
Automotive-specific Legal & Regulatory Compliance
DEFX regulatory compliance services will assure that your dealership follows state and federal laws and regulations associated with the proper security and management of consumer data while establishing a Good Faith Cybersecurity Compliance Management Effort.
Complying with consumer data protection regulatory mandates minimizes your risk profile, and protects the value of your dealership over time. DEFX’s services help administer compliance which helps your store prevent and detect violations of rules, which protects your dealership from fines and lawsuits. Improving data-related regulatory compliance avoids the risk posed to a dealership’s financial or reputation. DEFX approach to compliance protects and enhances your dealerships’ value as opportunities for Mergers & Acquisitions reveal themselves.